

“To create a dynamic innovative and entrepreneurial ecosystem for multidisciplinary interactions, research and development at Dr. BRAOU”


“Promoting creativity, critical thinking, idea generation and streamline innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem at Dr. BRAOU”


  • To spread awareness among students, faculty and staff about the value of entrepreneurship and its role in career development / economic development of a nation;
  • To encourage students to develop research attitude and entrepreneurial mindset through experiential learning by exposing them to training in cognitive skills; and
  • To encourage students/faculty associated with IIC to participate in various Innovation related initiative and competitions organized by MHRD.


  • To organize periodic webinars / workshops / seminars/ interactions / idea competition / mini-challenges, etc., with entrepreneurs, investors, professionals and others to create awareness about role and importance of entrepreneurship;
  • To conduct various innovation and entrepreneurship-related activities prescribed by Central MoE’s Innovation Cell (MIC) in time bounded fashion;To identify and reward research and development (R & D) activities and innovations of students / faculty / staff and also provide platform to share their success stories;
  • To organize short-term training programs to the students in cognitive skills (e.g. design thinking, critical thinking, etc.), by inviting first generation local entrepreneurs or experts to address young minds;
  • To establish network with entrepreneurship development organizations and identify the upcoming areas in which training is required for prospective entrepreneurs;
  • To create a mentor pool for student innovators; and
  • To create an Institution’s Innovation portal to highlight innovative projects carried out by institution’s faculty and students.

Committee Members: